Im interested in purchasing the Developer license for my Multisite mainly for when a new site is created and the user logs in for the first time.
I have various plugins running which need all sorts of confusing settings entered. I have setup a majority of them myself in a template site, but still rely on users to enter the correct info in the correct place.
I would like to use this app to create a form asking users to fill out vital information about the site they've just created.
For example:
Hi New User,
Please fill out the setup form.
Paypal Email Address: <enter their email, populates "Marketpress" settings in db>
Order Comfirmation Email: <enter their email, populates "Marketpress" settings in db>
Select Timezone: <sets the sites timezone>
Select Header Image: <upload image field, populates the theme's header image settings>
Submit <upon submit all settings in all plugins are set>
Is this possible with GF?