Ok, thanks...is that one notification template per form, or overall?
Assuming it's per form, maybe I could just break the process into stages and have a form specifically for the extra notification I need.
What I am trying to do is create a "submit a nomination" process that will:
- Inform me about the post (I am using Subscribe2 so this is already theoretically covered)
- Send an Email to the nomination submitter asking them to Email the nominee and let them know a nomination is on the way from my website so they don't throw it away as spam (this I could do with Gravity Forms in I have the baility to create a template for this form in particular)
- Send an Email to the nominee once the post has been approved and posted (not sure how to do this later if I break it up this way).
That seems to get me pretty close to what I need, does that sound workable with Gravity Forms?
Posted 13 years ago on Thursday June 2, 2011 |