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Get Post Titles / AJAX Table etc

  1. Hello! What looks to be a great form submission has me almost ready to take the plunge and try it for a community site, however I have a few questions.

    I'm going to be populating my website with products from an ecommerce plugin (yet to be determined, likely marketpress, wpecommerce, or cart66), which will have their products placed into the wp_posts table, their own table, or as a custom field.

    My form requirement is that I'd like to use sort of an inventory per user of the products listed to show what they use on a regular basis to travel - and I was wondering if it was possible that I could use GravityForms to create a form that with conditional formatting grabbed a category, and all specific posts (or titles/what have you) as either a drop down, or ajax autocomplete text field and then allow them to move on to the next field continuing to populate the form with more of their equipment that they use.

    So I was wondering, can I pull from external tables, can I list from the posts table, is there capability for a user to add/delete a line if they have more products to add. Finally, if they did pick one of those products, would there be a trigger I could fire that would update a table showing the ID of the post related to their profile so that when other users visited the products page, I could add some custom code to show which member had it in their gear listing? Without documentation I am unable to determine this at present.

    Lastly, has there been any success with using Pods CMS with GravityForms? Down the road I'd like to try to also get GeoMashup or another geo based plugin down the road, and curious to see if any headway has been made. Regards, Dave

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday September 20, 2011 | Permalink
  2. I'm not 100% clear on what exactly you are trying to do. If you have an example that you could point me to that may help clarify the use case and how you want it to work.

    Ultimately this isn't going to be something Gravity Forms does out of the box. What you described is dynamic population of fields using data from an ecommerce plugin (which means it could be posts or custom tables). This is certainly possible to do as a customization but would require custom code to create interaction between Gravity Forms and your ecommerce plugin.

    There are tutorials in the documentation on how to dynamically populate fields. You would have to follow those and know how to get the data you want to display to dynamically populate the fields you want to populate.

    Currently there is no way for the user to add/delete groups of fields in Gravity Forms. This is dynamic field duplication and it isn't currently a feature.

    There is, however, a new List Field in Gravity Forms v1.6 (which is currently a beta release) that let's you do something similar. Rather than a group of fields it lets users add items to a list. That list can consist of one field, or multiple fields in a single row. On the multi-column list you define the name of the columns.

    See this screenshot that shows a single column list field and a multi-column list field in action:

    Out of the box the multi-column list only display text input fields. But you can use hooks to define one of the columns to use a drop down field with values you define. So you could have some columns that are drop down selections, which could be dynamically populated.

    Gravity Forms has a lot of features out of the box and what it can't do out of the box can always be done using the extensive library of hooks and filters to customize how Gravity Forms works just like plugins customize how WordPress works.

    The only person I am aware of who has integrated Gravity Forms with Pods is Scott Kingsley Clark, the creator of Pods. He is a Gravity Forms user. He is planning on creating a Pods Add-On for Gravity Forms to make integration easier as part of his Pods 2.0 development.

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday September 21, 2011 | Permalink
  3. Hi Carl, thanks for the reply.
    I'm not sure I've ever run into a site that does what I'm doing yet - basically wanting to create a site for people interested in outdoor sports to have a blog, and also post their equipment list. I am at a loss of how I can show these products, and since settled on an ecommerce package, or PODS for the data. is a site that maintains a large catalog of entries, and allows people to say that they "own" the specific product. That part is the easy part I think.

    Since some of the ecommerce plugins post directly to a database and tables, or some use custom fields, I think it should be fairly easy to grab those values and populate if I needed to - but for now the logic loooks like this.

    User logs into profile
    User adds gear listing
    Gear Listing appears showing the new/existing form
    Users can add or delete lines per category (my predefined categories), perhaps they might be seperate forms alltogether
    When user adds to the category they pick the subcategory (lets just say this is sleeping bag), and then they are left to pick the products that are shown in a list, or have the capability to type in the name (and potentially have it autocomplete). If the product (or post) doesnt already exist, give them the opportunity via gravity forms to submit the necessary information as a post via a draft and a moderator/myself can turn it to published manually to make sure it fits the criteria.

    I did check out the List demo, very cool. The autocomplete search/drop down part would be key. I'm a poor cyclist ( trying to make my way around the world so a bit antsy still about moving forward with my fairly rudimentary coding skills and unsure if this would suit my needs at this time, again purely an experiment.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday September 22, 2011 | Permalink
  4. Ultimately Gravity Forms can be used to do virtually anything. People like Scott Kingsley Clark at PODS create some really amazing custom implementations using Gravity Forms. If it doesn't do it out of the box it can be made to do it using the available hooks and filters and writing a customization.

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday September 23, 2011 | Permalink