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Gravity form help needed

  1. John Morgan


    I am looking for someone to troubleshoot our Gravity form on our website. There is a serious issue with the form (details below) which needs immediate attention and fixing (or a rebuild of the form if necessary).

    This is the form on our site giving us trouble:

    I know what is happening with the form, I just don't know why or how to fix it. What has been happening is applicants are submitting their application through this form only to see it not submit. They see a spinning wheel at the end after they click submit, but it never actually submits, it just times out.

    I know this is the case because since last month I have been receiving numerous error messages which all state the same thing - that the form times out for them and doesn't end up submitting.

    Here's sample comments indicating what is happening:

    User comments:
    I attempted to fill in the teachers application form on your website twice but was unable to get past the final screen (step 5 of 5). Even though I added my resume and photo, the resume always disappears after hitting "submit" and then I am unable to get past that screen, nor have I received a confirmation email that the form was received.

    When I clicked submit button, the page didn't do anything. There was a small green spinning wheel so I guess it was processing my application. I left the page open for about 20 minutes before exiting out.

    I just completed the basic application to teach English in Korea, and it appears there is an error when I submitted the form. There is a spinning wheel that appears the be processing, but nothing further happens. I did not receive a confirmation email.

    Hi, my name is xxxxxxxx. I just completed the basic application to teach English in Korea, and it appears there is an error when I submitted the form. There is a spinning wheel that appears the be processing, but nothing further happens. I did not receive a confirmation email.

    This is the same comment over and over - that applicants submit the form but it just sits there and the wheel indicating that it is trying to submit goes around and around. I know by the number of comments we receive that this is a serious and frequently occuring issue. I do not understand why some applications are being accepted and some are not, but it is a serious issue that we need to fix on our site as we have no way of knowing exactly how many applications are not being processed. Judging by the many comments I receive, it is likely a lot.

    I've checked the theme and plugin issues. I deactivated all plugins except for the gravity form and it didn't seem to have any effect. I contacted the Host (Hostpapa) and they informed me that there was no issue on their end and that it was likely a programming issue. It seems random when it doesn't process applications because some go through fine and others have the same issue (the spinning wheel) over and over again. I've contacted these people to check and see if there was anything that might be affecting the processing (file size, for example) but the file sizes were normal (same as ones that processed fine) and also the browsers they were using when their application didn't go through were all different some were using IE, some Firefox, Chrome, etc.) There doesn't seem to be any pattern as to why some applicants are being rejected.

    If you might be able to assist with troubleshooting and fixing this gravity form, please contact John at Please leave your contact information and quotes for your services.

    Contact information:
    Name: John Morgan
    Position: Manager, Morgan Recruiting
    Phone: Contact to set up phone appointment.

    Posted 12 years ago on Saturday January 19, 2013 | Permalink

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