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Gravity Forms data to PDF

    This job is not simply to take Gravity Forms (GF) input data and output in PDF format. The purpose is to utilize an existing PDF (like a third party paper form) and create fields that match fields from GF and have the PDF form automatically populated. The PDF would then be e-mailed based on pre-set rules. Various PDF's may be completed from a single GF and each may be sent to a separate e-mail address.

    CONTACT: Dennis -

    1. User fills out Gravity Form on website
    2. Based on user input an existing form (PDF) with pre-set fields is automatically populated
    3. PDF (with new data) is then automatically sent by rule(s) (based on input fields from Gravity Forms) to e-mail address(es) or held in database for future use.

    This solution must also provide the ability for an admin to:
    1. Open an existing PDF form, add fields wherever they choose and match those fields to existing Gravity Forms fields.
    2. Admin saves the form so that it is able to be used as a new auto-populated Gravity Form. This process should be simple for the admin so that it can be done repeatedly whenever a new form is needed.
    3. Admin sets rules for that form - i.e. - where it should be e-mailed based on user input fields in GF.

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday June 19, 2012 | Permalink

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