On my registration form I would like my customers to choose whether they want to opt in to a mail list or not with a checkbox. I do not want to automatically add them without their permission.
On my registration form I would like my customers to choose whether they want to opt in to a mail list or not with a checkbox. I do not want to automatically add them without their permission.
Add a checkbox to the form asking them that question, whether or not they want to subscriber to the mailing list, then on the page where you map the fields for the Mailchimp feed, check the box to "Enable" the "Opt-in condition". Screenshot: http://minus.com/lbhCGezu4wuqRy
Then, use the drop downs to say "If 'Do you want to sign up for my mailing list'" (or whatever you titled your checkbox field) IS "Yes". That will subscribe only people who checked the box to be signed up for the newsletter. If they did not check the opt-in box, they won't be subscribed to Mailchimp.
Thanks Chris but I fear I am even more confused.
I added the checkboxes I would like to use on my page. You can see the checkboxes and what I want here: http://www.psaudio.com/forms/registration/ . That all looks good. But, for the life of me, I don't see how to map these choices to the individual Mailchimp lists (I use 4).
Here is what I am seeing - which is not looking like the form you sent me:
In your example you have selected multiple user fields - which I too want to add (name, address and email) but the form only allows you to select but 1 field. I also don't, for the life of me, see how to map these checkbox choices to the lists.
I want my users to check the box or not check the box I created. If they check the box they get subscribed, if they don't, they don;t.
Thanks for the help.
Can you delete and recreate the feed as it isn't showing the checkboxes as a possible opt-in condition. All my best!