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How To Access Password After Registration

  1. travin

    I am using user registration plugin with gravity forms for user registration with my site. I have the password set to automatically generate at registration. I need to know how do I access it after the registration is complete, so I can pass it to another plugin?

    I am using the hook 'function gf_post_submission($entry, $form)' or the 'gform_user_registered'



    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday December 7, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Hi Travin,

    You'll want to use the gform_user_registered hook. I've just updated the documentation to include a 4th parameter that was added with version 1.2.11; the password submitted by or automatically generated for the user.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday December 8, 2011 | Permalink
  3. travin

    Got it. I am working on integrating WP eMember member registration with GF User registration. eMember has a API that can accept Post or Get HTTP requests and create a member. I have followed their code exactly but it still doesn't work. I am hoping that you can give my code a rundown to see if I am doing something wrong from the GF standpoint. I know the form id's are correct. This code is in my functions.php file. The form id is 11.

    // Add For Gravity Forms Post Submission
    function gf_register_add_ons($user_id, $config, $entry, $user_pass)
    	//Check which gravity form was submitted and then execute the corresponding code if needed.
    	/* Only Execute the following code block for Gravity Form 1 (each Gravity Form your create has an ID so replace this number with the actual ID) */
    	/* TODO - Change 1 with the actual form ID */
            if ($entry['form_id'] == 11)
               $secret_key = "removed for security";
               $first_name= $entry["13"];
               $last_name= $entry["14"];
               $email= $entry["15"];
               $membership_level_id= "4";
               $username= $entry["16"];
               $password= $user_pass;
               $prepared_data = "?secret_key=".$secret_key."&first_name=".$first_name."&last_name=". $last_name."&email=".$email."&membership_level_id=".$membership_level_id."&username=".$username."&password=".$password;
               $get_url = "".$prepared_data;
               // Execute this GET Request
    add_action("gform_user_registered", "gf_register_add_ons", 10, 3);

    Thanks for your advice in advance.

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday December 12, 2011 | Permalink
  4. Hi Travin,

    I did not see any obvious issues with your code.

    Is eMember a WP plugin? If so, is it attempting to create a new user based on the information you are passing to it? If that is the case, that might be your issue as the email and username will have already been registered by the user created via the User Registration Add-on.

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday December 12, 2011 | Permalink
  5. travin

    eMember is a WP plugin. It is trying to create a user but it is seperated from the WP user roles. According to their data, I should be able to use this http post with to create the user account within eMember, but it doesn't work obviously.



    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday December 13, 2011 | Permalink
  6. You mentioned "http post". Does it require an HTTP Post request or does it also accept GET requests? In the code example you shared, you're using a GET request. Any chance you could share the relevant bit of their documentation with me? If it is private, feel free to email it to me at

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday December 13, 2011 | Permalink

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