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HTML blocks should not be in the item list..

  1. I would like an HTML block to break the list (or at least have an option to) this way I can add my own containing DIVS.

    Right now I break the item list by priming my html block code with
    a closing li then a closing ul and then my own custom div tag
    then I mend the break with an opening ul and a opening li

    It would be great if the html block could be freed (or have a option) of being a listed item.
    Looking forward to your response.

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday November 26, 2010 | Permalink
  2. The HTML blocks are intended to be inline in the list structure along with the other elements. This is partially due to how the form editor works, conditional logic (showing & hiding elements) is managed, etc.

    If you want to add other elements outside the list, you've already discovered the best way to do it, end the list item and the list, add your other markup, then begin a new list.

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday November 26, 2010 | Permalink
  3. ok.. that makes sence..
    the option to break the list would be good where gravity would apply the end list and start list code at the beging and ending of the html block (so I don't need to do it). You would just click the "break list" checkbox and it would be applied.

    It's makes sence for custom div layouts, because its much easier and less labor intensive to contain a whole bunch of elements in a floating div then apply a class to each and every one because you want it alined to the left middle or right.

    It really makes sense for layout purposes.

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday November 26, 2010 | Permalink
  4. I would also like this feature, this thread was helpful and I am about to go try resetting the LI and UL tags in my html box, but true HTML output unfiltered by the form would be good. Unfiltered HTML doesn't need all those extra features like conditional hiding etc because you can style it as you please and apply javascript to it. Either way, it doesn't hurt to have a checkbox to make it easier.

    Posted 14 years ago on Sunday February 20, 2011 | Permalink

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