Hi, I am a total bozo when it comes to css coding. Can someone tell me how to change the display width of my paragraph text in css?
Hi, I am a total bozo when it comes to css coding. Can someone tell me how to change the display width of my paragraph text in css?
You can add this to your custom.css style sheet - customize the width to your preference.
.ginput_container textarea {width:200px!important}
I see that your form isn't getting the default styles. You're probably embedding it via the function call.
When using a Gravity Form in a sidebar widget or embedding it anywhere using the function call, you need to manually enqueue the scripts and CSS by placing a short script block in your theme's functions.php file.
wp_enqueue_script("gforms_ui_datepicker", WP_PLUGIN_URL . "/gravityforms/js/jquery-ui/ui.datepicker.js", array("jquery"), "1.3.9", true);
wp_enqueue_script("gforms_datepicker", WP_PLUGIN_URL . "/gravityforms/js/datepicker.js", array("gforms_ui_datepicker"), "1.3.9", true);
wp_enqueue_script("gforms_conditional_logic_lib", WP_PLUGIN_URL . "/gravityforms/js/conditional_logic.js", array("gforms_ui_datepicker"), "1.3.9", true);
wp_enqueue_style("gforms_css", WP_PLUGIN_URL . "/gravityforms/css/forms.css");
Without this, the conditional logic scripts, datepicker script, form CSS and other elements needed for the full form functionality aren't loaded.
You can find more information at the URL below
Thank you SO MUCH, Kevin! Fixed it right up.