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"If X then a new specific question appears" Option?

  1. I'm not sure exactly how to explain this. What I'd like to happen is if a client is filling out a form and answers a question "No" (for example), it takes them to a new form question. If they answer "Yes", it takes them to a different question. I believe this is called a "Page Break".

    Is this possible with Gravity Forms and if so, how?


    My site is but I haven't created the form yet.

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday December 31, 2010 | Permalink
  2. This is called Conditional Logic.

    Yes, it is possible with Gravity Forms. Conditional Logic is available when editing a Field under the Advanced Tab.

    You can choose to show or hide a field based on the value of another field. You can show or hide any field type, however the "trigger" has to be a selection based field: drop down, radio button or checkbox.

    So if you use a drop down or radio button for the Yes/No question you can then apply conditional logic to show or hide other fields.

    You apply the conditional logic to the field you want to show or hide, not to the field that asks the question (unless it is also conditional).

    See this screenshot, it shows the Conditional Logic option being used under the Advanced tab when editing a field:

    If you apply Conditional Logic to an individual field it only applies to that field. If you apply Conditional Logic to a Section Break it applies to ALL fields under that Section Break up to the next Section Break so you can show/hide a group of fields. If you apply Conditional Logic to a Page Break (in Gravity Forms 1.5) it applies to that entire Page.

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday December 31, 2010 | Permalink