Is there a way to include images in the backend. I want to make a quiz that shows art works and the kids have to identify the artworks, how could I do this?
Is there a way to include images in the backend. I want to make a quiz that shows art works and the kids have to identify the artworks, how could I do this?
I want to make the textarea a tinymce box instead of just text, I really need to do this, any help would be much appreciated.
on line 958 in quiz.php I commented out the textarea and added the php code the tinymce is showing up but the upload media isn't working does anyone want to try to figure this out, I know many many teachers who would find this very helpful, especially when adding images to quizzes.
To add images to your quiz, you can use the HTML field.
To add the tinymce, please return the plugin code to the original version. Then post a link to the page on your site where the quiz is embedded.
Thanks Chris, I don't want the tinymce on the front end, I want to add an image from the backend. Here is the link,
I'm not certain what you need help with at this point. Can you explain what you would like to be able to do, and where that needs to be done? Maybe we can help you. Thank you.
I want each question to have an image of a piece of artwork. each question will ask which artwork it is. For example, question one will be a picture of van gogh and the the question will ask what artist it is and they can choose from a drop down. I cannot for the life of me add an image from the backend from the quiz (there is no visual editor on the backend only a text area). I want to have the visual editor in the backend so I can add an image so that the user when they are taking the quiz can see the image and answer the question.
I see. There is no provision for adding a visual editor in the back end. You can add an image to your form by using an HTML field and then adding the HTML for an image. For example, this would be the tag to display an image of a Van Gogh in your HTML field.
You can accomplish what you need, but it won't be with a WYSIWYG editor, it will be with HTML. If you need some assistance getting started with HTML, due to the lack of WYSIWYG editor, you can start here
Is there any plans on implementing a visual editor? This would be extremely helpful to teachers. I want to try to 'sell' this to my district but most teachers don't want to add html.
We have had developers add WYSIWYG editors to Gravity Forms, and it is on our development list, but it won't be done in the first quarter of this year as our slate is already full. All my best!
Hmmm - If he does insert the HTML won't the Alt tag and image name rather give away what it is. I suppose he could download and rename the image before uploading with some abstract title if that were a problem though. Adding images for quizzes would be a great addition hower
He would set the alt and image name himself. As you said, he'd have to download the image, edit the file name, upload it to his server, use HTML to embed it, and then he has control over everything.
All my best!
first off, great quiz add-on.
Is there a way i could add an image as the answer ?
Please share a link to the page on your site where the quiz form is embedded, and let us know what sort of images you want to use in your quiz.
The weblink is this
I would like to know is there a way i could use images for answers instead of words.