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Informational Block

  1. Craiger

    I created a special contact form that required visitors to select a reason for contact and was able to use Sections to display information to them, based on the Reason they contacted.

    However, Sections had to be placed below all input fields.

    A new Standard Field Type that can be used in conditional situations to display content and/or links, etc would be another great feature. Just ensure they don't have same constraints as Sections.

    Posted 15 years ago on Wednesday February 17, 2010 | Permalink
  2. We do plan on implementing a free form "field" in the next major feature release that you can place on your form and position wherever you want.

    It will allow to to insert text or HTML (images, links, etc.) on your form.

    It will act as a form field as far as display goes, but it won't actually be a form field as it will just be used for presentation purposes and not for collecting data.

    So we will have this covered in the next major feature release, most likely 1.4 although we may have bug releases before then.

    Posted 15 years ago on Wednesday February 17, 2010 | Permalink

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