I see you have a newer version of Gravity Forms, I was wondering if this version will allow us to integrate Infusionsoft with Gravit Forms?
Thank you
I see you have a newer version of Gravity Forms, I was wondering if this version will allow us to integrate Infusionsoft with Gravit Forms?
Thank you
There is no built in integration with Infusionsoft, but if they can accept data at a URL using query string parameters, it will be possible to integrate the two. What are you looking for from Gravity Forms that would integrate with Infusionsoft? How would it work?
We would be using InfusionSoft to manage our database collected (ideally through Gravity Forms). These forms would be in various places throughout the site and would handle contact info, and other various pieces of information. I believe it can work with URL query string parameters, I was just wondering if you had (or were working on a plugin) that would streamline the process.
+1 on infusionsoft integration.
+1 on infusionsoft integration.
+1 Infusionsoft Integration
+1 on infusionsoft integration.
Any update on this.
This would be a nice feature or addon plugin.
There is no update and there has been no activity on this activity.
+1 for it. I know at least 5 new customers you could have today if it was offered.
+1 on InfusionSoft please.
+1 on InfusionSoft please.
+1 LOVE gravity forms, LOVE infusionsoft
I'm pretty sure InfusionSoft can accept a url request to their API.
I would love to see an integration option with Infusionsoft.
I think if someone with the dev capabilities were to step up to the plat ethey're see there are tons of wordpress users who also use infusionsoft and who would pay for gravity forms integration.
I would certainly pay more.
If anyone knows how to integrate Gravity Forms with Infusionsoft, I am more than willing to contribute $omething for your time. Thank you.
Why don't we collect some fnds of all those interested in developing this integration and then get someone who knows both systems to just finish the development?
I've created the Gravity Forms Infusionsoft Add-on, available now on WP.org!
Thanks for the update Zack.