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Integrate Facebook Registration Tool into Gravity Forms Registration Form

  1. Gaslight

    Facebook provides a tool for letting users registering to any website throught their facebook accounts:

    here's also a FB blog post about the tool:

    I wonder, is there a way to integrate this into a Gravity Form Registration module? I use one to replace my standard wordpress one, but I would like to offer Facebook registration as an option (and I guess the majority of GF users who also use WP as CMS).

    Posted 13 years ago on Saturday December 17, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Hi Gaslight,

    This would be possible to integrate, but it's not something we could tell you how to do. This would essentially replace the Gravity Form completely so you would need to set the "redirect_uri" parameter to a URL you have setup to process the submitted data. So again, integration with GF is possible, but would require a good bit of developer experience.

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday December 20, 2011 | Permalink