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Introduction of new features

  1. RichardBest

    Hi there - Wondering whether you're able to let us know please when you'll be introducting some of the additional features people have mentioning here.


    Posted 15 years ago on Thursday September 3, 2009 | Permalink
  2. Sure Richard, what I can tell you at this time is we are wrapping up development on Version 1.1 this week and it will be available via automatic upgrade sometime next week after it has been tested.

    Version 1.1 will introduce:

    - Post Category field. This Post Field allows you to put a drop down on your form for people submitting a form that creates a post allowing them to select the category the post should be assigned to. The admin will be able to define which categories appear in the dropdown and multiple Post Category fields, with different categories, can be placed on a form.

    - Post Image field. This Post Field will allow your users to upload an image via a Gravity Form that is then automatically placed in the media library and attributed to the gallery for the post that is created. This is going to be extremely handy for people using Gravity Forms for article submissions, etc.

    - Wrapping up localization. We had some text that still need to be localized and have been busy trying to implement it everywhere. We have several people working on translation files so you can use Gravity Forms in a variety of languages. We will make the translation files available for anyone to download as needed.

    - New Hooks and Filters. Don't have details now.

    - Revised Entry Detail page. The entry detail page has been redesigned to make it more user friendly and more flexible.

    We have also fixed bugs and issues that have been reported by endusers since we launched.

    I don't have any news on what v1.2 will feature. We have yet to make that decision. I can only tell you what is going to be in v1.1 which is the next release.

    Posted 15 years ago on Thursday September 3, 2009 | Permalink
  3. RichardBest

    Thanks for the detailed info Carl. The goodies in V1.1 sound excellent, particularly the introduction of categories for posts. Superb. Can't wait. Cheers.

    Posted 15 years ago on Thursday September 3, 2009 | Permalink
  4. B0NG671

    Is it possible to add two text fields side by side each other like how the "Name" field is set up? Or another option would be to use the "Name" field but chance the labels at the bottom? Is this possible?

    Posted 15 years ago on Monday September 14, 2009 | Permalink
  5. Some recommendations for new release:
    Got this note from a web client of mine, who's site I installed this form:

    "Is it possible to set up an Excel sheet based on each child ie. one page per child (with all of the child's info)
    I would like to be able to print each child's info. as an individual."

    Basically, print out what you see in the back end of Wordpress, when you are looking at each response individually.

    Posted 15 years ago on Tuesday September 15, 2009 | Permalink

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