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Intuitive Date while Entering payment

  1. Hello,
    I have a question about timing and reoccurring payments. I have a form which donation dates are from January 1st to December 31st of that particular given year
    and not to over lap the following of previous year.

    So lets set up a scenario....When Jon Doe decides he wants to give a monthly
    donation of $500, however he signs up late in the year, lets say June of
    that year, this means then he has for the next six months to be charged
    $83.33 per month for the remainder of the year. $500/6 months.....

    Is there a way that Gravity forms is intuitive enough to know the date of
    transaction and then calculate the correct amount based on the frequency?
    Or is this something that can be done with Paypal? Is this something that
    can be done at all?

    As you see the form is set up with the 12 month formula. So the next step
    is how can we accommodate someone who begins their donation outside of the
    12 month structure?

    The link to the form is:

    My email address is


    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday June 27, 2013 | Permalink

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