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Issue with updating user meta fields

  1. I'm trying to make a form "save and finish later". I've had quite a bit of success with it, but I'm having a serious issue with one point: updating the form doesn't save new user meta information.

    The way I have the form set up is, a user comes by and starts filling out the form. There are many, MANY fields. The user has to do something, so they check a box to "save and finish later". When they submit the form, I have functions in place to check if that box is checked, and if it is, it'll register the user with the fields they've already filled in, but the entry is removed from the "entries" area, and the notification email isn't sent to the administrator.

    The issue comes in when the end user returns to the form to finish it. They log in, and start filling out the rest of the form - but the only stuff that is updated are the fields they already filled in. All the other fields don't get added to the database, because (when they initially registered) they weren't added to the usermeta tables. All the fields are *mapped*, but if they have no values, they aren't added to the database - only the fields that have values entered are - therefore, adding the info later on doesn't actually update the usermeta.

    I hope I'm making sense.

    This is a HUGE issue for me. How can I "update" a mapped form to the user's usermeta tables to add new values?

    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday June 6, 2013 | Permalink
  2. I got it with a plugin :)

    Data Persistence Add-On

    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday June 6, 2013 | Permalink
  3. David Peralty

    I was going to recommend that plugin to you. All my best!

    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday June 6, 2013 | Permalink