I am considering upgrading to the developer's license, but am unsure about a few points:
I am doing a membership site, but do not want to enable automatic user registration. In other words, any new member needs to be approved to be able to login. Any "applicant" simply submit info through an inquiry form. Then admin creates an account manually and email the newly approved applicant his account login info. After login, the user is able to view pages that are for members only.
Can you tell me if it is possible to :
1. Disable automatic new user registration with User Reg. Add-on? In the words, the page shows only username, password fields.
2. Manually add user account with User Reg. Add-on or alternatives?
3. Hide/show pages with shortcode via custom fields (or alternatives)? For example, after login, the page(s) for members will show up as menu items. In addition, the login page(link) would become logout page(link). After login, it would be nice to show which "username" is currently logged in.
4. I installed the "Members" plugin as suggested by your new documentation and somehow after activating it, the "forms" admin panel disappear. I had deactivated "Members" plugin to recover "forms" admin panel. Have you seen this problem before?