To display the states of a country or the cities of a country you'd have to add a drop down for each country containing the states or cities and then use conditional logic to show or hide the field based on which country is selected.
If you wanted to do something more complex you'd have to add your own custom field type to Gravity Forms to handle this. You'd use the gform_add_field_buttons hook to do this which can be found here:
We don't currently have a tutorial for adding custom fields, it's a more advanced customization. But we plan on creating one.
You can't automatically populate information in a form based on a customer name. You'd have to write custom code to do this. Gravity Forms wouldn't know where the data is supposed to come from, entry data? WordPress user data? So you'd have to write your own customization to do this.
Posted 13 years ago on Friday June 17, 2011 |