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Loading a dynamic list of emails from database to use in conditional logic.

  1. I need some help loading a dynamic list of customer emails from my clients stripe[dot]com account.
    This will need to be imported or validated against the conditional logic of a text field. Basically this text field should only be shown if the email address field matches a email address in the stripe customer database. I am doing this fine right now by manually entering the email addresses into the conditional logic.. but this is not a practical solution.

    Stripe[dot]com has a great API, but my PHP skills are lacking for this level of project.
    The form is built and ready to go.. I just need help with this last part..

    please get in touch if you want to quote this project..
    email me at konigmedia[at]

    Joe Koenig

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday January 31, 2013 | Permalink

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