I am working on changing all the forms for my clients to use the formatting featured on http://www.lukew.com/ff/entry.asp?1007.
Can this plugin do this? How easily?
I am working on changing all the forms for my clients to use the formatting featured on http://www.lukew.com/ff/entry.asp?1007.
Can this plugin do this? How easily?
This isn't currently possible.
Madlib style forms are a drastic departure from the way forms are built in the existing form builder so it brings about a lot of UI issues that we would have to work out. Madlib style forms work great with simple input fields, but Gravity Forms lets you use radio buttons, checkboxes, etc. so we have to work out the UI issues before we can offer this.
It is something we want to offer down the road.
It can be done, fairly easily by editing the html - out of the box, like Carl states - is not an option.
It took me about 10 minutes to transition a simple form to this style, but throw in Conditional Logic and it all becomes a goofy mess that is not worth the effort.
All that said, a client freaked out when i suggested this idea - they wanted no part in 'unusual' forms. "Just do it, they way everyone else does it!"