Figured this out! Of course with Gravity Forms being a form builder, I actually needed to build a form with checkboxes for each of the groups and then link them to Mailchimp in the admin/Mailchimp add-on.
The only thing now is that in the backend, the mailchimp add-on seems to have a small bug whereby if a Mailchimp list has 2 groups, each with a sub-group with the same name, the add-on classes them as the same item:
For example, I have a list with 2 groups 'Wordpress' and 'Drupal', and each of these has sub-groups for similar topics such 'Themes'. In the Mailchimp add-on, the logic for 'Themes' only displays once, under the first sub-group with that name, and the plugin will not save the logic (such as 'Assign to Group if xyz' - it just reverts back to 'Always'). Clicking on the item to expand the logic will only expand the first sub-group name (as if the sub-groups with the same name are linked in some way, or the plugin 'thinks' they are the same thing...)
If the sub-groups are renamed to say, 'Drupal Themes' and 'Wordpress Themes' all works as normal...
Any ideas as to how to 'fix' this so sub-groups can have the same name?
Posted 12 years ago on Friday March 23, 2012 |