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Media Upload as Part of Post

  1. From what I've read I assume that the following use case is supported by Gravity Forms out of the box. Meaning no PHP coding involved.
    1. User goes to site and registers for an account.
    2. They are given then the ability to create a post and upload their media that is part of the post through gravity forms and the post goes into draft status based on their role.

    If the answer is yes, then I"m ecstatic and I'm rolling on over. Also as a secondary question if I want to map to custom fields is coding required? And....if I want to map to a taxonomy, is coding required.

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday March 8, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Not sure what your question is with #1 above. If you are asking if Gravity Forms can create a registration form and register a user, yes, if you use the User Registration Add-On and the Gravity Forms v1.5 development release.

    Yes, images can be uploaded and are part of the gallery for the post that is created and added to the Media Library for that post automatically. Currently only images are supported for Media. We plan on adding others down the road, but other file types can be supported through custom field usage.

    If you want to use Custom Fields you add a Custom Field to your form and configure it by telling it what custom field name to use and it will store that data as a Custom Field for the post that is created. If you want to display the value of that Custom Field in your post you need to either modify your theme to display the custom field values OR use the content template feature of the Post Body field in Gravity Forms and configure it to customize and store those values as part of your Post Body.

    The Content Template feature of the Post Body is also how you automatically display an image within the Post Body.

    Post Tags and Post Categories are supported out of the box. If you want to implement custom taxonomies you have to write some custom code to do so.

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday March 8, 2011 | Permalink
  3. Carl,
    Thanks for the post.
    To be more specific, I'm creating a farily automated film festival, film submission system, whereby a filmmakers registers to submit their film.
    The get a gravity form for the post which represents the details of the film, which could include a featured image (not sure If I want them to mess with this) but I'd like for it to allow them to upload their video for submission to Amazon S3 and the plug in I am using allows SE upload through the standard media upload. Does that clarify things? Can i do this?
    And as far as the Taxonomies, guess I'll have to get a coder. Darn it.

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday March 8, 2011 | Permalink
  4. Gravity Forms only integrates with Images as far as the media library goes. It doesn't currently have Amazon S3 integration for file uploads, but it is a feature we would like to add in the future. You could allow a file upload for the video, but you would then have to manually place it on S3 if you want it housed there or have a developer write custom code to move the file to Amazon S3 automatically.

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday March 8, 2011 | Permalink
  5. +1 on the S3 integration. With more sites running on distributed servers in the cloud, staying away from permanent local file system storage is key for me. it looks like adding some basic code & the s3 class into forms_model.php, function move_temp_file() might do the trick to at least mirror it.

    I use for the same logic, maybe you can hook into that or use some of the code in that project for reference. Looking forward to this addon.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday June 15, 2011 | Permalink
  6. Can you please tell me how to 'use the content template feature of the Post Body field in Gravity Forms and configure it to customize and store those values as part of your Post Body... and configure it to customize and store those values as part of your Post Body' because custom post does not appear in my 'Insert Merge Tag' dropdown field under the 'Create content template' option

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday February 13, 2012 | Permalink
  7. @smarie I'm not sure what you are mean by "custom post does not appear in my insert merge tag dropdown". Are you referring to custom post types? If so, that isn't going to appear in the "insert merge tag" drop down. Only Gravity Forms merge tags related to your form and fields will appear in the "insert merge tag drop down".

    To use the Content Template feature of the Post Body field you need to edit your form, then edit your Post Body field. There will be an option on that field to enable the content template, check that box to enable it.

    When you enable the content template it will display a textarea field that you can use to configure the content template. In that textarea you can insert text, HTML or merge tags to format the content the way you want it to be created. WHATEVER you configure in the content template is EXACTLY what will be used to create the post body when the post is created.

    Documentation for the content template option can be found here:

    If what you are trying to do is create a custom post type, that isn't something Gravity Forms does out of the box. You would need to use the 3rd party Gravity Forms Custom Post Types Add-On to do something like that. You can find it here:

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday February 13, 2012 | Permalink

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