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Middle Name field

  1. beedle

    Please add a Middle Name option to the Name field. Or a Full Name field type. Also, I think if the Full Name field is required, Middle should still be optional.


    I've seen this in the forums, but didn't see it in the Feature Request area. Apologies if it's a repost.

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday February 7, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Your best bet now is to handle this case with three separate fields, and make the middle optional. You can adjust the display of the fields with CSS so they look like one group of fields.

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday February 8, 2012 | Permalink
  3. beedle

    Thanks, Chris. Yes, this is what I did. I gave them blank titles used the Description area to hold the First, Middle, Last data and then topped the whole thing with an HTML field where I styled "Full Name" and a description to match the other field labels. Pretty seamless except....

    The problem is with that pesky required asterisk. Leaving it means they are not lined up vertically across. Removing it with CSS works for most modern browsers but IE 8 and prior display it in a disjointed way with middle name field being higher than the other two. I decided to live with that.

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday February 8, 2012 | Permalink
  4. You could change the color with CSS to hide it against the background, rather than removing it and affecting the line-height. It would still be there, but not normally visible. That is one work around.

    Posted 12 years ago on Saturday February 18, 2012 | Permalink
  5. lewis

    Can someone please explain to this newbie how to adjust the display of the 3 fields (ie First Name, Middle Name, Full Name) with CSS so that they look like one group of fields for the Full Name?

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday June 14, 2012 | Permalink
  6. David Peralty

    Check out the following documentation:

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday June 15, 2012 | Permalink
  7. lewis

    Thank you! That was very helpful. I chose the inline ready class instead of the 3 column because I needed to add a suffix field. However, I ran into a problem. The medium field size made the 3rd field wrap to the next line with the 2nd inline group.
    Is it possible to have a custom field size?
    Is it possible to indicate the end of an inline group so that it does inherit the first item of the next inline group?

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday June 15, 2012 | Permalink
  8. David Peralty

    You can use CSS to change the field size, or use the small field size. If you have a link to your form, we can help create the CSS you would need to shorten your medium fields.

    I am not sure what you mean by your second question regarding inheriting the first item.

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday June 15, 2012 | Permalink
  9. lewis

    OK, I have so much work to do on this form, and of course I'm very new to Gravity Forms (as of yesterday), so the form is a mess, but I went ahead and slapped it up on

    You can see what I mean by inheriting a field from the next inline "group". Because in an attempt to get all my name fields in the same line, I made the field sizes small. As a result, it brought up class standing. So how do I separate the 2 inline groups and insure that Class Standing and Gender stay in it's own group?

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday June 15, 2012 | Permalink
  10. You could assign a width to that one field to cause it to push down to the next line. Try dropping this into your theme's stylesheet:

    #field_1_6 {
    width: 200px !important;
    Posted 12 years ago on Friday June 15, 2012 | Permalink