David Howard
Date Needed:
Within the next couple of months.
Add search field to forms page in Wordpress backend.
Limit form creation to specific number.
1. Add search field to forms page in Wordpress backend.
I would like a search field that search (obviously) the title of any form that is created.
The search field would be located in the same place on the forms page as the search field is located on the pages page in the Wordpress backend
2. Limit form creation to specific number.
I would like to specify how many forms can be created by a user. Say a user is allowed to created a maximum of 50 forms, they can add and/or delete forms until they reach their limit. I the user then tries to create another form which would exceed their 50 limit they will be greeted with a message informing them this is not possible and to contact the Administrator.
I will then need the ability to specify how many forms they can create, so I would just change to 100 if they require a total of 100 forms. Gravity Forms have a limit on their demo, I'm looking at replicating this, but adding the ability to specify how many forms can be created before a limit is reached.
So that's it for now.
Thanks in advance.