we are building a student application form in multi-pages and would like that the user can for example save page 1 and then come back and continue page 2. Would that be possible either out of the box or with the API/developer?
we are building a student application form in multi-pages and would like that the user can for example save page 1 and then come back and continue page 2. Would that be possible either out of the box or with the API/developer?
Unfortunately saving the progress of a multi-page form so it can be completed later is not currently possible with Gravity Forms, the developers have mentioned in the past that it is a feature they plan on adding but it may not be for some time yet. The only way you could implement this now would be to hire a wordpress/php developer to produce the customisation/add-on for you.
I'm interested in this also, but I assume this will become possible 'out-of-the-box' when GF starts to support front-end editing?
Apparently GF says that this feature will be available in a future version. But has anyone used this? http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/gravity-forms-data-persistence-add-on/
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