I'm new here so questions may be naive. I'm getting the feel of all this. This post could be a "how to" or a "feature request" depending on whether these issues are currently doable.
I created a form to replicate a multi page form . I navigate the pages via a radio button list and set conditional logic for the fields I choose to be visible for each radio button choice.
I would like a couple of options:
The multiple choice radio button navigation field replaced with something that looks more like a typical navigation field ala <<| <| 1 2 3 |> |>>.
I would also like a button that would advance.
etc, etc, you may get the gist without further explanation.
Anyway, I think this toggling could be perhaps a step in the process of a common feature request of having a Preview Page which is in the books for future review as I understand.
Oh and it would be nice to be able to hide the submit button on all but the last page.