Hello, Each time I submit the form, I get 2 email confirmations. I would like to get this down to one.
Form example on this page:
Hello, Each time I submit the form, I get 2 email confirmations. I would like to get this down to one.
Form example on this page:
This is usually a plugin conflict. Normally it's the "simple facebook connect" plugin or the add-on plugins for that plugin that causes this. I believe the 1.5 version (available from the downloads page) has a workaround to prevent this.
If you're not using the simple facebook connect plugin, try disabling other plugins and see if the issue clears up.
Hi, Kevin, Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately, I really do need all of my plugins so will just live with this Gravity Forms glitch.
Can you post which plugin is causing the problem, if you've found out, so maybe the plugin author can correct the error? Thanks
Yep, if you've identified a plugin conflict, it would be helpful if you let us and other folks know.
Gravity Forms works fine under normal circumstances, but some plugins like the one I mentioned do weird things when loading pages that cause duplicate submissions - not really a Gravity Forms glitch, but something we can try to work with the other plugin developers to remedy.
FYI, I'm using the simple facebook connect plugin and I was getting double/triple/more posts for each submission until I upgraded to the GF 1.5 beta (1.5.RC3.12). Problem solved now. Thanks!
Yes, the Gravity Forms 1.5 release implements a work around to solve the FaceBook Connect conflict. It's unfortunate that we had to implement a work around as we weren't doing anything wrong, but because of how some plugins such as the Simple Facebook Connect work we had to be creative with making it compatible.