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Need help working through using gfrom_validation hook

  1. daniebroz

    Name: Danieal Broz, KolbeCo Marketing
    Date Needed: Yesterday - ASAP!!!

    I need to push data from my from

    web service via an http post. I have worked through most of the code. However, I did not consider that this is a multi page form and it is not getting stuck on the first page. I am not clear what Gravity Forms is doing when the next button is pushed. I need someone willing to work through this with me so I understand the functionality of it all.

    This data will contain credit card information and I would like to also figure out how to delete those fields after the data is validated and submitted so they are not stored on my sites database.

    Please contact me and let me know your billing rate.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday November 15, 2012 | Permalink
  2. daniebroz

    Here is the code I have already written

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday November 15, 2012 | Permalink

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