I'd appreciate some feedback; I'm a GF user considering getting a dev license so that I can use the User Registration addon.
I need a vendor invoice upload system that works like this:
1) User registers (with custom fields, including a file upload field) and gets a WordPress account. (Is it possible to give their role a special name like 'vendor' rather than 'subscriber? Where is this file upload stored? Would it be possible to show all uploaded files like on the user's profile, is there a way to do this?)
2) User logs in to upload his/her invoice, and fills out a form that has a few custom fields and a file upload. This form, when submitted, would send the form data and uploaded PDF to several email addresses. (Again - is it possible to view the uploaded files for a user in the future in one place, like on the profile?)
3) An admin logs into WordPress and needs to be able to view and export vendor data including the custom fields (not the uploaded file though). Is that possible?
Thanks, I appreciate your input and hope this is workable with GF.