I just updated to latest version of Gravity Forms and now it will not register new users on my site.
I had a look in some of the code and it seems something goes wrong here in userregistration.php:
// Hook into Gravity Forms
public static function gf_create_user($entry, $form, $fulfilled = false) {
// if the entry is marked as spam
if(rgar($entry, 'status') == 'spam')
$config = self::get_config($form['id']);
$meta = rgar($config, 'meta');
// if there is no registration feed or the registration condition is not met or the feed is not active, abandon ship
if(!$config || !self::registration_condition_met($form, $config, $entry) || !$config['is_active'])
The last return here is stopping and the ship is abandoned.
I found out about this because I am hooking into this action gform_user_registered, which is not being called anymore.
Is it just me or is anyone else having this problem?