1. Partially submitted forms are not supported. There is no concept of "leave and come back where you left off." However, there is a 3rd party add-on which claims to allow this. It requires that the person submitting the form be logged in. Here is the add-on which was not created by us: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/gravity-forms-data-persistence-add-on/
2. Notifications are built in. However, it requires that the form submission is completed all the way through. Without having read ahead, you might want to create two separate forms, and in the first form collect what would have been submitted and sent to you for approval at this point. I'm not sure how the digital signature would work. I know Adobe will allow you to digitally sign a PDF, but Gravity Forms entries are not in PDF format. You can create a PDF out of an entry using this 3rd party add-on: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/gravity-forms-pdf-extended/
Here is one which is a little older and not as comprehensive: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/gravity-forms-pdf/
3. You would have to send them the signed PDF. I can't think of a way to store the PDF signature with your Gravity Form entry. We have a signature add-on, but it's a literal graphic signature, not a digitally signed document. http://www.gravityhelp.com/documentation/page/Signature_Add-On
4. As previously stated, there is no "save and continue" functionality. However, if you used two forms, you could prepopulate form two with the data submitted via form one. However, that would not include the digital signature.
5. You can print the completed entry, and using the PDF add-on mentioned above, you could save it as a PDF and print it that way. You would print the entries from form two which would include the partial information submitted via form one, and then all the additional information submitted with form two. The signature is missing at this point still.
Regarding doing it all via the front end of the website, that is not a feature of Gravity Forms. Entries are available via the back end. The PDF Extended plugin mentioned above claims to allow PDF creation from the front end, but I'm not sure how that would work. You could require a password to access the front end page or require a log in before viewing a form or page.
I'm not sure that Gravity Forms will be able to do everything you requested here but we're happy to discuss where you see the shortcomings.
Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday October 23, 2012 |