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Order Form Customization

  1. I have a Gravity Form set up with multiple products and would like to calculate shipping cost based on total quantity of the products ordered. Up until recently, all of our products were the same size and weight. However, now I have the need to base shipping on the total quantity of products of a certain type. Obviously, the best solution here should easily allow for if statements to adjust for any number of quantity ranges and also if statements that adjust for any number or product types. I guess you would separately "total" the individual totals for each certain product type, apply the quantity filters, and then arrive at a new total price. Just not sure how to implement.

    Also, based on the customer's preference I am looking at either having the customers only pay the shipping, or pay for the entire order including shipping through These are my last two steps before taking the form live. I would appreciate any help.

    You can email me @ bheckman [at] wpfilm [dot] com. Thanks!

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday March 2, 2012 | Permalink

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