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Passing data from a form back to the same form

  1. Carl Grainger

    I am creating a form that will allow people to nominate others for a prize. When the form is submitted I want to be able to give the nominator the chance to fill it in again so that he can nominate more than one person. I would like the nominator's personal information collected by the form (name, email etc) to be prepopulated the second time round. I don't want to use two separate forms as all the data needs to end up in the same place so it can be viewed as one set.
    There may be a very obvious way of doing this but I'm new to gravity forms and would welcome any suggestions.

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday February 8, 2011 | Permalink
  2. First you would have to edit the form and edit all the fields you want to pre-populate when the user comes back to the form and go to the Advanced tab for each and set them so they can be populated dynamically. You would then give each of them a parameter name, the parameter name is what you use in the query string to pass data to that field (ex. ? the email, firstname and lastname are the parameter names).

    After you do this you would then edit the Form Settings and select the Confirmation tab. For the form Confirmation you would select Redirect. Enter the full URL to the page containing the form as your redirect and then elect to pass data to the URL and then use the provided query string builder to build the query string and pass data to the redirect URL (ex. email={Email:1}&firstname={FirstName:2}, etc. this is just an example, your variables would be different as they are form specific).

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday February 8, 2011 | Permalink