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Pay to Upload File

  1. Hello there,

    I am currently developing a Wordpress website for a client that wants to build an exclusive community of sorts. To avoid putting an email on the site and receiving submissions along with spam, it has been strongly emphasized that there needs to be a way on the site where people can pay to submit their music.

    Throughout my numerous Google searches on how this can be achieved I have stumbled upon Gravity Forms and everything about it sounds great but I have a few questions before just jumping ahead and buying a Developer’s License. I'd like to know:

    1) Does the File Upload accept .mp3 or .wav formats?

    1a) Is it only limited to accepting certain files? If yes, what file extensions does the File Upload feature accept?

    2) Can it be set so that both a File has to be uploaded AND Payment has to be sent, and one cannot be done without the other in order for the form submission to fully process?

    We basically want it to be setup where user enters their information > upload audio file attachment > pay > form submitted.

    - Jessica

    Posted 12 years ago on Sunday November 25, 2012 | Permalink
  2. 1) yes, any file format can be allowed or denied.

    1a) any file format can be allowed or denied.

    2) To handle payment before allowing the upload, you will have to do this with two forms. The file upload will happen when the form is submitted, but payment will happen after that. You could flip this around and accept a payment, the show a form where they can upload and restrict that form to only users who have paid.

    Does that answer your questions?

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday November 26, 2012 | Permalink
  3. Sorry about the late response.

    Yes, you've answered all of my questions, Chris. It seems as though Gravity Forms will be able to achieve what we need to do and we will hopefully be purchasing it very soon. Thank you!

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday November 29, 2012 | Permalink
  4. Thank you for the update.

    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday November 29, 2012 | Permalink

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