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Paypal Constant Contact Feed

  1. Cbasha1


    I am interested in buying the Dev License, but I have a few questions about the PayPal integration.

    1. Can a payment and form submission be combined?
    By that I mean, will the form only be submitted after the payment is complete? I would like the form data to only feed into constant contact if the payment has been completed.
    Is that how it functions?

    2. is there a way to create a recurring monthly payment with the gravity forms PayPal add-on? Or is it limited to one-time payments?

    Thanks in Advance,

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday October 31, 2012 | Permalink
  2. The entry will always be created, no matter what the payment status. Once payment is compete, the payment status on the entry is updated. The MailChimp add-on is integrated in this way, where the subscriber will only be added to Mailchimp after payment is complete. For comparison, see the release notes here:

    The AWeber add-on and the Constant Contact add-on do not yet have that integration with PayPal payment status. Additionally, the Constant Contact add-on was not created by us. It is available here:

    Recurring payments (subscriptions) are available with the PayPal add-on.

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday October 31, 2012 | Permalink