Looking into buying the developer version for the paypal integration. Had a few quick questions before we are sure this is the right solution for us.
First, when I talked to paypal support they said that any fields passed through their API will get passed along in the email notification to the client showing them the purchase. Can I add fields such as t-shirt size (input from a drop down box), donation in the name of someone else, etc.
They want to setup registration for a 5K walk/run, part of it is an open ended donation amount since many people donate much more than the minimum, a tshirt size and if the donation is in the name of someone else. I asked a friend of mine who uses Gravity Forms but he said in the paypal options there are only name, address, etc, but no way to add new fields to pass to paypal, is that true? I'd like to be able to pass more info to paypal and get it back in the end.
If you can't add more fields to pass to paypal is there a way to maybe send a separate email back to the client with this extra info so they can have it and tie it together back with the info they get from paypal?
Thank you.