I hope I did not give you the wrong impression about support at Gravity Forms. I've been a customer of theirs for 18 months now so I know the answers to a lot of simple, common and pre-sale questions, which is the reason I answered your initial question as best I could. With your follow up question, I was not 100% sure so I did not answer, but did so after you were not getting a response from Gravity Forms.
It was not my intention to give you a bad impression of the support forums here. The Gravity Forms guys are really great and after you have purchased the plugin, there won't be any problem at all getting the help you need. The things that Gravity Forms cannot do out of the box are nearly always possible with a little customization.
I hope you become a Gravity Forms customer and they can show you the level of support they give to their customers. And I will be happy to help point you to existing solutions when I can.
Thank you,
Chris Hajer
@illinoisharley at Gravity Forms Forums
Posted 14 years ago on Saturday February 12, 2011 |