is there an PayPal Add-On available?
Where can I view the available Add-Ons?
is there an PayPal Add-On available?
Where can I view the available Add-Ons?
The PayPal Add-On is nearing completion and should be in beta by next week. The release should be available within a few weeks. Other available add-ons are listed on the "add-ons" page on the Gravity Forms site.
OK, thx ;)
I use FreshBooks, what exactly does gravity forms do with the FB add-on? Will it be easy "click n go" to incorporate or do I have to manually program everything to interface together?
The FreshBooks Add-On allows you to integrate with FreshBooks without any manual programming. It lets you create a client when a form is submitted, and you can also create an invoice or estimate automatically from form data that is submitted. Just keep in mind that the invoices and estimates are not automatically sent by FreshBooks, it just creates then in FreshBooks. You would then review them, make any revisions and then send them from FreshBooks. But it allows you to use a Gravity Form to populate this information so you don't have to re-key it.
with the single user subscription I can buy the fb add on? how much is it?
Can you guys give an ETA on the PayPal integration beta? I don't mean to add to the pressure really, I just have a project that needs it - if it's going to be a few more weeks then I'll use the workaround for now (from robalan on PayPal Integration) and rework it when the public release is out.
Thanks again for this awesome plugin.
The PayPal Add-On will be released as a beta release along with Gravity Forms 1.5 sometime in the next 2 weeks. We are hoping for sometime next week if we can wrap up the Multi-Page Form feature that we are working on for 1.5 in time. Otherwise it would be the first week of November.
Just in time .. This paypal integration is slick .. Bravo guys!
I don't see the Paypal integration listed on the website, but looks like it might be released. Is it available?
@djbressler The PayPal Add-On is currently in beta and approaching final release. It's available as a download on the Add-Ons page for those that have a Developer License which has access to Add-Ons.