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Pipe & Asterisk Deliminated .TXT file automatically exported to FTP

  1. Any one fancy taking this on?

    I am looking for a developer that can create the following functionality for Gravity Forms:

    1) Automated .txt export of all form entries within a set time range (say 15mins)
    2) Form and .txt file entries delimited by (|) Pipe and Asterix (there will be only 6 fields within the form.
    3) .txt file exported to FTP location

    I have a full developers licence of GF if this makes a difference.

    If you think you can do, please get in-touch detailing what it is that you could do, length of time, cost etc and any questions that you have.

    I would also be happy for the developed module/plugin to be offered on Wordpress and/or GF without any affiliation to me/website.

    You can contact me here: justin [at]

    If possible please use the Subject line: Gravity Forms Development

    Thanks, and I hope someone out there can help.


    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday June 20, 2013 | Permalink

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