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Please help: A very specific problem caused by the PayPal Add-On

  1. RichardBest

    Hi All

    I have identified a very specific problem that I've isolated to being caused by the PayPal Add-On. Let me explain.

    I have form set up as follows:

    - the form is set up to publish posts;
    - through a filter in a functions file that Alex provided me, posts are set to go to private;
    - I also have the User Registration, MailChimp and PayPal Add-Ons installed and activated (and am using all of them);
    - the form is set to redirect to the private post upon form submission and after payment.

    Ordinarily, absent the PayPal step, subscribers or other members who submit a post in this way would be redirected to their private post and they would be identified as the author of the post.

    However, with the PayPal Add-On activated, the following things happen:

    - the post is not registered as being written by them (instead, it defaults to the default author); and
    - they are not able to access their private post upon the redirect (instead, they are taken to a 404 error page).

    I am sure that it's the PayPal Add-On that's causing this because it all works fine again when I deactivate that and only that Add-On.

    My site has not yet been launched so I can't give you a URL. However, I can send one of the GF crew an admin logon if you need to take a look at the site itself.

    I really hope there's a fix for this, as the Paypal Add-On makes my business flow optimal. Without it, I'd have to revert to a much more clunky approach.

    Many thanks in advance for your help.


    P.S. Sorry, but I put this in the wrong forum but can't change that now.

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday January 10, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Hi Richard, if you could go ahead and send me the login credentials for this I will take a look:

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday January 10, 2011 | Permalink