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Plethora of Pre-Sale Questions

  1. joelhaus

    After a few hours reading through your site, it looks like you've got a great product here.

    I am left with a few questions though. As follows:

    • Will gForms post data to the wordpress comments database table?
      I would potentially want to display user generated reviews. It would be nice to display a star rating as well.
    • Can gForms be used to generate user polls? If so, are there any examples of this?
    • Can gForms modify custom fields on an existing post?
      This would come in handy for allowing a business owner to correct/add information to their listing via post meta data.
    • Is there integration with the Akismet API?
      Akismet usually does a pretty good job at preventing spam.
    • Is there a virus checker to check attached files? If not, would this be difficult to integrate?
    • How thorough is the available documentation and how well commented is the code?
      Trying to gauge how much of what I want is achievable through modifying the code myself.
    • Is there any sort of trial available?
      I'm a bit hesitant to lay down $200 before knowing if this can do what I want it to.

    Thanks in advance, I know it's a lot.

    Posted 15 years ago on Tuesday February 9, 2010 | Permalink
  2. I'm not sure what some of your planned uses are but I must clarify that Gravity Forms is primarily designed for front end forms where the data is then viewed on the back end. It does have the ability to create WordPress posts, and those capabilities are very advanced and make for handling custom field types extremely easy by turning them into drop downs, radio buttons, check boxes, etc.

    HOWEVER it isn't designed for allowing users to edit that data after the form is submitted. Once the form is submitted the data is available on the back end and if post fields are present a Post is created. Once a Post is created it is up to the standard WordPress interface to manage and edit that post.

  3. Currently Gravity Forms cannot be used to create comments for a post. The only post functionality it currently has is the ability to create posts. We plan on enhancing this in the future by adding more WordPress capabilities such as user creation, custom post type creation, and possibly even the ability to use Gravity Forms in place of the existing comments form on a site.
  4. Currently there isn't a star rating field, although it is a field type that we have discussed adding and will most likely make it in a future release.
  5. Gravity Forms could be used for simple surveys, however it isn't suited well for polls. Something like PollDaddy would be better. Gravity Forms is primarily for capturing data that is displayed in the back end, it doesn't display the data on the front end.
  6. Gravity Forms cannot currently be used to edit an existing post. It can only be used to create a new post. It is designed to display forms on the front end of a site and for the data to be viewed on the back end of a site. The post creation capabilities simply create a post... after that it is up to the standard WordPress interface to manage that post.
  7. There is currently no Akismet API integration. The only anti-spam currently is reCAPTCHA integration. We do plan on adding Akismet as an option in a future release.
  8. There is no virus checker for uploaded files. This would have to be a function on your server. PHP itself cannot act as a virus checker and the plugin is simply PHP. Virus checker is outside of the scope of this plugin and even WordPress itself.
  9. There is documentation available that discusses every aspect of the plugin and all the fields and field options. The code is commented. HOWEVER we strongly suggest NOT editing the plugin itself as this makes automatic upgrades difficult to implement and your changes will get overwritten. Instead we have many API hooks that you can take advantage of so you don't have to edit the core plugin files themselves.
  10. We advise NOT modifying the plugin code itself. Any customization you want to make wth the data being submitted a form should be done via API hooks and filters. We are constantly updating and enhancing the plugin and if you edit the plugin code itself... that poses upgrade issues.
  11. There is no trial due to the fact you get the PHP source code when you purchase the plugin. If you want to try it out I suggest purchasing the $39 single site license and then if you like it we can create you a coupon code to give you $39 off the price of the Developer License
Posted 15 years ago on Tuesday February 9, 2010 | Permalink
  • joelhaus

    Wow, thanks for the thorough response Carl. Will probably pick up the $39 license soon and give it a whirl.

    FYI; WP 2.9 has a new meta data API which uses the same hook to update/add/delete the meta data for posts/comments/users. This could be easily integrated with the backend of the forms to allow for manipulation of all sorts of data within WordPress. Here is the detail on this hook:{$meta_type}_meta

    Hope to see this soon, thanks again.

    Posted 15 years ago on Tuesday February 9, 2010 | Permalink
