We've set up a "Poll" form using the add-on and all seemed fine, however, we started getting messages from angry contestants, and then we confirmed the issue. The poll results shown on a page using the shortcode (exactly this code: [gravityform action="polls" id="6" mode="results" title="false"]), are different from the ones we can see on the form in question, in the gravity forms admin area, "Results" tab. I'd put screenshots for you, but I don't see how to attach images here. It is a big difference, one of the items should have 260 (as it shows correctly on the back-end) and it has 184 in the front-end and also, it had already reached 230 on the front-end before (at that moment it was just one or two votes behind the one that was showing on back-end). I really don't understand why the form displays different results on the two places, I'd think that they get the results from the same table on the database, isn't this the case?
We updated everything trying to find the problem (WP version and plugins are now the latest version WP 3.5.2), I also tried deactivating all plugins except the necessary for the form, and still didn't work.
This is the link for the results: http://acquadichef.com/i-finalisti-2013-results/ (protected with password "cambiami" to avoid angry contestants for now) but we really need a solution for this urgently as the contest is ongoing and the results need to be published asap