I'm using Gravity Forms Authorize.net plugin v1.3, and when I recently updated GF to v1.7.2 I immediately had the following error at the top of every page on my site:
WordPress database error: [Column 'form_id' in where clause is ambiguous]
SELECT l.id, l.transaction_id, m.meta_value as payment_date FROM ulf0rx_rg_lead l INNER JOIN ulf0rx_rg_lead_meta m ON l.id = m.lead_id WHERE form_id=7 AND payment_status = 'Active' AND meta_key = 'subscription_payment_date' AND meta_value < '2013-03-26 00:00:00'
Our SQL coder dug into the plugins and saw that in Authorize.net there is a form_id field in both the lead and lead_meta tables. Line 2403 of gravityformsauthorizenet/authorizenet.php has the error SQL statement. He says he added "1." and that took the error away.
Can you let me know if this is a bug, and if so correct it for future releases so we don't have to patch manually again with the next update?