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Pre Purchase question

  1. Magdi

    I have a website built on Wordpress which is an online magazine and an online store.

    I want to create a page that will allow a reader/user who will have to register on the site to be able to upload an event, club night, promotion, or whatever on to the site. Just like on facebook where you can upload an event to your page, but only your friends can see it or whoever is invited...

    I want to allow a user who is registered to that page to put up events for everyone to see! will need to be able to upload an image to it too...

    Is there a way of customizing the plugin???

    Please get back to me as im ready to buy the plugin today...


    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday September 9, 2010 | Permalink
  2. Gravity Forms can create posts and you can select which category the post goes to, or include a field on the form where the user selects the category. If your Events are going to be posts, then yes you could use Gravity Forms to do this.

    Gravity Forms simply displays the form, it won't handle protecting that particular page for you. If you only want registered users to be able to post events you would need to embed the form on a page (or post) that only registered users can access. Gravity Forms doesn't do role management, so this would require another plugin for this piece... such as the Members plugin.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday September 9, 2010 | Permalink