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Pre purchase requirements

  1. Hi,

    I am very interested in purchasing GF but before I do so I need it to have the following function.

    I would like my visitors to receive confirmation emails but the information within them should be dependant on what choices the visitor makes on the form i.e. if the choices on the form are RED, GREEN and BLUE and the visitor chooses GREEN, then the confirmation email should have a paragraph, “GREEN is the colour of grass blah blah”. Their should be no reference to the other choices. This should work for any number of selected radio buttons, check boxes etc on the form.

    Does GF have this function and if it doesn't is it possible to have it added? If so, how?

    Many thanks

    Posted 13 years ago on Sunday July 18, 2010 | Permalink
  2. Gravity Forms doesn't currently do conditional autoresponder emails. It is a feature we have planned for an advanced notification add-on.

    It would be possible to do this now, however you would have to use available PHP api hooks to manipulate the email by writing custom PHP. It's not something that you could accomplish without knowing how to write custom PHP and using WordPress hooks or you could certainly hire a consultant to do some custom work for you.

    But as I mentioned, it is a planned feature for an advanced notification add-on that will make the notification email capabilities much more powerful.

    Posted 13 years ago on Sunday July 18, 2010 | Permalink