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Pre Render, Multi Page, Calculations, Javascript skilled developer

  1. smmcward

    Hello Developer's,

    I am also using Gravity Forms Product Add On as well to add additional costs/options to products on a Woocommerce site.

    I need on one page of a multi page form, 10 single line input text boxes with 2 radio buttons per line on the right as a choice as to what type of line it is... a repeating line or a changing line. The user fills in the text box if it is a repeating line and leaves blank if it is a changing line. Repeating lines radio buttons have a value of 0. Changing line radio buttons have a value. Here's where the javascript comes in to play:
    No changing lines: $0.00
    1 changing line: $3.50
    2 changing lines: $5.50
    3 changing lines: $7.25
    4 changing lines: $8.75

    There wouldn't be more than 4 changing lines that the user would input out of the 10. I imagine you could "count" the total number changing lines selected and depending on that number, add the cost

    Now the exciting stuff... What the form above will be doing is acting as a template (per say). On the same page as this form would be a drop down with 1-10. If the user chooses, let's say 5 and clicks the "next" button, 5 exactly the same forms, just like the one we just created will be on the next page. This is where the Pre Render would come into play. Also, the value or cost from from the changing line radio buttons would show as well. So in this case, 5 times the number of total changing lines.

    If interested, I can go in to more detail via email/phone. Also, 8-9 similar types of option forms coming in the next week that I know I will need to job out as well.

    Name: Sean
    Contact Email:
    Date needed: ASAP on this first form


    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday July 10, 2013 | Permalink

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