Hi, my store shopping cart is woo with product vender extension so I can allow vendors (seller) to use my site to sell their products. Will Gravity form all me to add a global setting where the vendors see the choice instead of the shoppers? Example: I get the vendors three choices to pick from on the back end in woo add products and what ever they pick shows up on their product. There is no shoppers choice on the web site store. Only the information the vendor picked from.
If so, how would I do this with Gravity form?
I hate to be so picky but I've asked to other theme and/or forms and they've both said they could do this but then I buy the product and they won't do anything but making forms for the shopper to pick from. No way to set up global pick the box or choice or variable for the vendor in add product.
Add product on woo were the vendors add a product would have the choices of
Personal use
Commercial use
Vendor supplies
What ever one the vendor picked is what shows on the product shopping cart web page for shopper to see.
Kind of like categories but it shows up under description or another spot on the product web page.
Thank you