You can accomplish this, but you will need another plugin to handle the user levels. Something like the Members plugin can create custom roles. You could have two or three separate roles, all with the same permissions (based off the User role maybe) but they would have different role names, so you can differentiate their pricing.
On the page where the form is embedded, you could test for the user level, then conditionally show one form or the other. The page URL is the same, but preferred customers would see the preferred pricing form (call it form two), and regular customers would see the regular pricing form (call it form one.) One problem that presents is managing two separate forms. Depending on the complexity of the forms and the products that might be a problem. I guess it depends on how many products you will have to worry about.
It's all possible, but most of the functionality will be outside Gravity Forms. If you can explain more about the number of products and number of member levels, we can give you more specific feedback.
Posted 12 years ago on Thursday October 18, 2012 |