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Publish and Schedule Posts from the entries page

  1. newball

    One feature I would really like to see, would be the ability to publish from the entire's page. While it's great that I can delete, and mark items as read, for a website that I'm running, which is based on user submissions, it would be more efficient to publish from this page, rather than having to enter a new window for every single post.

    Also it would be great if I could schedule posts (either globally or individually) thru the same page. As in, if every post, after being published, could appear in a set amount of time after being approved, and that I can schedule certain posts to appear at a later time or date.

    Posted 14 years ago on Wednesday May 26, 2010 | Permalink
  2. We were actually just talking about this while traveling to WordCamp Raleigh. This is something we plan on doing, enabling the ability to publish a post from the entry detail page. Your suggestion for scheduling is also a good idea, we had not thought about that part. But it makes perfect sense.

    Posted 14 years ago on Wednesday May 26, 2010 | Permalink
  3. newball

    I'm glad my suggestions could be of some help! In my case it would help a lot, especially while handling user submitted content :-)

    Another quick note about scheduling - there's two ways it could work

    1. would be the way WordPress currently handles scheduling (i.e. putting a future time and date)
    2. a more useful way would be a designated scheduled time after the last GS approved post or WordPress post. I.e. a GS approved post is approved and scheduled to appear in 15 minutes, the next one, after being approved, is scheduled to appear 15 minutes after the first post is scheduled.
    Posted 14 years ago on Thursday May 27, 2010 | Permalink
  4. Alex

    did anything happen re: being able to publish entries as pages or posts?

    Posted 14 years ago on Thursday February 10, 2011 | Permalink
  5. @Alex Gravity Forms has always been able to create posts. It can create Pages, but only if you use a hook to tell it to create a Page rather than a Post.

    The users question on this post wasn't about the ability to create posts or pages, it was about the ability to publish and schedule posts from the entry detail page. Separate issue which we will address in a future release.

    Posted 14 years ago on Thursday February 10, 2011 | Permalink